Brief History

These ports make great daytrip spots for seaside picnics or fishing. They are accessible by ferry from Nava Bandar, 3km from Jamnagar.

How to Reach

Rozi Port And Bedi Port by Bus
By Road

Jamnagar is 92 km from Rajkot. State transport buses and private luxury coaches connect Jamnagar with various centres of Gujarat. If you’re coming from Rajkot on bus, the bus passes right through town before reaching the bus station, so you can ask to be let off at Bedi Gate.

Rozi Port And Bedi Port by Train
By Train

Rozi Port And Bedi Port by Flight
By Air

There is an airport 10 km from town, so it’s a relatively inexpensive rickshaw or taxi ride. Various domestic airlines connect Jamnagar to Mumbai.

Top Attractions around Great Rann Of Kutch

Kalo Dungar, The Black Hills
Kalo Dungar, The Black Hills
See details
Chhari Dhand Wetland Reserve
Chhari Dhand Wetland Reserve
See details
Narayan Sarovar and wildlife sanctuary
Narayan Sarovar
See details